What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest
What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest

what episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest

Her new concern was would Nick accept her. past tense because that was no longer her concern. That is why she said "would kill her" instead of "will kill her". The same as she experienced on Tribunal and when she blow up the car.Īt the point where she did show Nick she had learned enough control to realize she would not kill by accident. It was an involuntary reaction to an emotional state. That is how she killed Rosalee in the dream. If nothing else she would reason Nick could upset her and she could react. Why would she not think this would also be the case with Nick.

what episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest

You have Juliette running on instinct doing things out of her nature. After Tribunal she realized should could actually kill if threatened. Until she actually killed the guy in tribunal it was only a dream. You also have to remember she had the dream of hurting Rosalee. Remeber henrietta also pointed this out about Grimms and Hexnebiest. The "you are going to kill me" was her state of mind at the begining. She's a scared little creature that bites in the hand of the few people, who really care for her and want to help. But she gives him neither a chance nor is she willing to trust his love. If he could undo what's happened to Juliette he would do it.

what episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest

It's been her own decision to do what they have done and Nick acknowledged his share of guilt and he is feeling remourse to no end. That okay, really, but she blames everyone around her without thinking it through. Yes, she's freaked out, because of all that's happening. It annoys me to no end, that she keeps thinking Nick will kill her, just because she's now a hexebiest, when she of all people should know him better than that. and she's herself definitely not fair to Nick. but maybe i say it beacuse i am not in his place. sort of  -))i think about nick, bheader, but he should react diffrent to juliet.

What episode does nick find out juliet is a hexenbiest